Tuesday, July 31, 2012

5K Blog: Workout 25 (So That's What A Butt-Kicking Feels Like.)

Schedule: Interval Training (150/150 for 40 minutes)

Result: Finished first four intervals. Did a partial for the fifth and walked the rest of the way.

Other: Probably a combination of factors but the two that probably contributed most to the failure of this workout were too quick a pace to start and less than adequate hydration.

I still think I can complete this one on Thursday despite today's setback.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

5K Blog: Workout 24 (Level Up)

Schedule: Interval Training (120/180  for 2.5 miles)

Results: Workout complete.

Other: I felt like I had my "1A" game rather than my "A" game going but my results beat the first time I did this run 2 weeks ago. Also, I had no nausea like I had two weeks ago. Clearly I have leveled up and next weeks schedule will be a 150/150 interval for 40 minutes. Saturday's will be a 150/150 for 2.75 miles.

It's nice the weather is cooperating with my running schedule again.

5K Blog: Workout 23 (I can't think of a catchy subtitle)

Schedule: Interval Training 120/180 for 35 minutes.

Results: Workout complete.

Other: Speed and distance are down a bit from the last workout because I hit the lights badly when crossing some streets. The uphill section felt much easier this time around. One thing to note: my right leg started going numb. I thought it was the knee brace but it wasn't.

After I do my Saturday workout (interval 120/180 for 2.5 miles) it will be time to go up to a 150/150 interval with a Saturday workout of 2.75 miles. My weekday workout will then be pushed up to 40 minutes. I'm starting to get to the point where I am about to transition from walker to runner... which is actually pretty damn cool.

Details about my run are in the pics below.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

5K Blog: Workout 22 (It's an uphill battle.)

Schedule: 120/210 Interval for 35 minutes.

Results: Workout complete.

Other: Not a good start to this workout, it really didn't get much better but I was able to tough it out. What's different about this workout is the second half of this workout was hill climbing which got more intense the farther I went. So finishing this one after close to a week's hiatus with those hills while not feeling the best was a big confidence booster.

It's also a bit of a pain booster. I' m a little sore already.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

5K Blog: Workouts 21a & 21b (A split bill.)

Schedule: 120/180 interval training for 35 minutes.

Results: Did three intervals when it started to rain. Did the last 4 intervals aftet work. (Thursday 19)

Other: It started raining after the first three intervals which put my phone and dry clothes in danger. I put on my rain poncho which then did not allow me to cool down so I ended the workout. I decided to pick up the workout after work. I did the remaining 4 intervals.

One thing I learned is if I am going to do running after work, then I should stretch twice as well as I normally do. My quadriceps were starting to lock up on me after tbe fourth interval was finished and I knew I would not be able to run anymore.

This week is one big feh so I am going to do it over again.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

5K Blog: Workout 20 (Kicking Ass & Taking Names)

Schedule: Interval training 120/180 for 2.5 miles.

Results: Workout complete.

Other: Make no mistake, this one was a challenge for me. Still, I had just a tad left in the tank after everything was said and done. While I certainly will feel this one tomorrow (espcially in the glutes), I don't have the feeling of having my ass handed to me like I did with earlier workouts. My conditioning is improving and I am starting to think the week off was just the ticket to give my body a chance to recover from my previous efforts.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

5K Blog: Workouts 18 & 19 (Time to ramp it up.)

Schedule: Workout 18 will be catching up on the 100 push up challenge for my cross training (On going). Workout 19 is the 90/210 Interval for 30 minutes.

Results: 18 is ongoing until Saturday. 19 is complete.

Other: Not exactly a walk in the park  for 19 but it is starting to become routine. 18 is 31 push ups for a total of 5 days until I catch up on the 100 push up challenge.

Either way it's time to up the workout. I can see the improvements and it feels great.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

5K Blog: Workoug 17 (Yes I Slacked Off Last Week)

Schedule: Interval Training 90/210 for 30 minutes

Result: Workout complete.

Other: After a whole week off, I was a little worried that I might have lost it. Happily, that was not the case. In fact, this was my best workout yet. However, the real test will be on Thursday when I repeat this very workout.

I just hope my coach doesn't want to strangle me right now.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

5K Blog: Workout 16 (Not this sweaty and dirty, dammit!)

Schedule: Interval training (90/210 for 30 minutes)

Result: Workout terminated after 15 minutes.

Other: Nothing felt right when I started this workout and it got progressively worse! Probably a combination of many factors but I stopped the run sections after 15 minutes so I wouldn't hurt myself. Sometimes it's just not your day.

Anywho, despite the fact this workout blew, I am declaring tomorrow a rest day in celebration of Independence Day.